Squiggle No. 4 - Revisited
This is one of my favorite Squiggle & Hearts, because I think it’s my most successful in economically capturing both the rhythm of a joke and a resonant thought within the 6 panel structure. Plus, it is something I need to remind myself of regularly, and recently shared with my students as they undertake theater-making projects, and often struggle with “doing it all.”
My life still includes large swaths of down time (much more than I’d care to have - anyone want to book me for literally anything after May 1st? The tumble weeds in my calendar are getting terrifying…) The Squiggle in my head loves to jump into that space and tell me I’m not doing enough to use that time, build new skills, and create new opportunities.
But in my best moments, when I can catch that process, I am able to breathe and remember that doing for the sake of doing is not helpful. Knowing where my particular skills and joys lie helps me be a better delegator and collaborator when the time comes.
(No but seriously though what am I going to do after May 1…)
(There Squiggle goes again.)